Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Roca Blanca Mascots

I have recently had the fun of participating in the purchase oftwo German Shepherd puppies to take to Mexico. Our watch dog on the Roca Blanca base, is getting old and is not quite doing the job any more so James Olsen and I were praying about getting new watch dogs. The monies came in and some pups were advertised. We went to look and found the answer to our prayers. Duke and King will be making the long travel back to Roca Blanca with us. King will remain on the campus while Duke will go to the home of the Kershners in the mountains.  Thank you for your support given in many ways to fill many needs.    John

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Supporters of all kinds...

Workday supporters…

What a huge encouragement we received recently from some of our supporters. They gave us a workday here at the home place. With John unable to do anything the first two months we were home, it seemed the summer was spent and chaos still reigned in the barn. A big white van drove up with the Richards family and they piled out with happy faces and helping hands. Everyone unloaded the barn and then the men constructed a loft for storage on which many heavy building materials were piled. The ladies and children raked and piled leaves, burned old wood, made concrete to set a new clothesline, and kept us running to find more things to do. Mom & Papa Spohn came the same day and a new workbench and clothesline pole were cut and welded and a wonderful big family meal was prepared for everyone to eat with cold drinks served all day as needed. Mom spent extra time repairing the trim on the patio table umbrella. (Behind, you can see the tent set up that we are taking to Mexico.) In all, tt was a lot of hard work so that after two days, John & I were sore and tired but happy and encouraged. Thank you dear family and friends for your uplifting fellowship, food, and work. You have lifted our hopes and strengthened our feeble knees.

Prayer supporters….

We are being so encouraged by the number of people that have been responding and making a commitment to pray for us while we are away in south Mexico. There have been 13 so far, but several include others in a larger prayer group. We found an old list of prayer supporters when we were in India and were so surprised to find we had several for every day of the month; at least 40. We need that kind of prayer coverage to minister effectively in Mexico. We need people who can’t be there in body but are willing to be there in the Spirit, in prayer. We hope to hear from more of you that you will join us in partnership through prayer.

Giving supporters…..

We have giving supporters who have donated various items. One self-inflating mattress had been given for our camping trips in the mountainous medical outreaches. We're still looking for a second one.

We are excited about the possibility of surprising our dear Sister Laura, director of the Victory Missions  medical clinic upon our return. We have had someone donate money toward a portable canopy for the outreach clinics where there are no buildings to use.

Chain saws and tools have been donated for the building projects that are ongoing.

Four new tires were purchased for the truck from offerings given by two different families wanting to advance the kingdom work. Still need an oil change and air-conditioner repair. John isn’t thrilled about the air changing intermittently from cold to hot on his side.

Several have faithfully and consistently given their financial support for the time we were at home resting and preparing to return to Mexico. How we praise the Lord for those who believe in us and what we are...called of God to go wherever He needs us, for as long as He needs us. Looking back over the years, we can see He has not called us to remain in any one place as He has some, but has called us to go different places to accomplish a specific job and when that is finished, He leads us onward. What a privilege to be part of the Body of Christ, advancing the Kingdom of God to every tongue, tribe, and nation at such a day as this.

We head for Mexico October 3rd or 4th with our dear friends James and Cassie Olsen also of Springfield, Mo. We are slightly delayed in our return there because our church family has blessed us with a free registration to the Ladies’ Conference September 29th-October 2nd. Thank you JRA! We plan to go to Mexico fired up, refueled by the Lord Almighty to do great and wonderful things.