Friday, October 22, 2010

Growing Mascots & Marriage Conference 2

Several of you have asked about the German Shepherd puppies. They are growing a lot. They now have a pen with their portable cage still in it to help them transition. We are in the process this week of finding a couple of boys to help feed and care for them. They will be able to continue the care when we are on outreach trips or busy as we were during the recent marriage conference. Here is a picture of them at 15 weeks.

This was the second marriage conference on the Base. We had six pastor and wife couples. They arrived looking tired and rather apprehensive. I heard one almost backed out because they weren’t sure what would be expected or put on them. However, their many comments were nothing but appreciation and gratefulness as they were leaving. The marriage conference sprang from the heart of Charles and Eli Norton.

It is a new teaching to the pastors and it amazes them what God has to say to them about the importance of their marriage. Topics included: priorities, what a man/woman needs, importance of the marriage covenant, communication, etc. Free times are given daily that involve homework with questions they need to ask one another. Many gifts are given: the book, The Five Love Languages, flowers, fruits, tortillas clothes, and a larger home gift. Wonderful meals and coffee times are arranged at the lovely hotel on the Base and the pastors are each given a gorgeous room to enjoy for the weekend. Class also includes a renewal of vows and promises, and communion between each couple. At the last meal, they cut a large wedding cake and have pictures taken. Every small detail is lovingly arranged by the Nortons.

We, and the Olsons, help out where we can with baking, room arrangement, giving out gifts, and supporting in prayer. Another newly married couple, Lalo and Lesli, led the worship times. It was a fun, uplifting weekend and so thrilling to see those dear pastor couples renewed, refreshed, and invigorated with the Good News they were carrying back to their people that marriages are important; that the Church will only be as strong as the marriages of the families within it.