Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Christian Dream
We all have heard of the American Dream and as we live here in the States, we all get caught up in fulfilling that dream. We want a certain size house with plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, 2-3 car garages (and a gourmet kitchen; that‘s me). We want nice cars, boats, golf carts, or whatever other recreational playthings and lots of memberships to programs of exercise, sports, music, etc. We want our children to have lots of things, activities, lessons, and learning, then later cars and homes and all that we have wanted, plus more so they’ll take good care of us in days ahead. The longer John and I live here at home, the more pull those things have on us. In pondering these things, I ask myself ‘if I could have anything I want from life, anything at all, what would it be?‘ And looking back on all our experiences, I know there is absolutely nothing that has satisfied John or myself like being in the middle of a Jesus meeting, watching people get born again, baptized, healed in body, soul, and spirit. Nothing ever equals up to that.
As I began writing this, I was thinking it was to be titled “The Missionary Dream” but upon reflection, I know from God’s Word that it is for every believer. So how is a Christian dream different from the “American dream”? It is simply fulfilling the call and cry of God’s heart that every tongue, tribe, and nation hear and be given the privilege to choose Christ. It is the Great Commission to make disciples, baptizing and teaching them to walk in the Spirit. That call is to every believer, hence “the Christian dream“. It isn’t a replacement of the American dream, it is a priority, a love call to serve God first with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; to seek first the kingdom of heaven and (then) all these things will be added to you. (Matt. 6:33) We all, always need a reminder of our priorities. We all, always need to keep and promote the Christ Dream. We all, always need to be looking for the proverbial woman at the well who needs love, prophecy, truth, revelation, new life, and all that Christ has to offer. We all, always need to prioritize our finances, our time, our thoughts, our plans, our very lives to make every effort to fulfill the Great Commission through the greatest commandment of loving God and loving others.
When I make a list of what is involved in each and compare them, they look like this to me.
Christian Dream American Dream
Praying for others big house w/big garage
Seeing people born again, boats and cars, etc
healed, baptized higher education
Giving financially to other’s needs memberships
Counseling from God’s Word smart clothes
Seeing spiritual growth lots of toys, gadgets
Giving encouragement
Total: eternal reward Total: earthly possessions we won’t take with us…but could be good tools to reap eternal rewards.
We all, always will be called to sacrifices. Setting priorities calls for sacrifices. But all the earthly possessions in the world will burn and be no more. Everything we ever sacrifice in this life for advancing the Kingdom of Heaven will reap eternal rewards that we will enjoy forever. Lets live with an eternal perspective!
Lets sacrifice! Lets keep our priorities in answering the call that is ringing through the whole earth today! The Lord of the Harvest is calling: “Rescue the perishing quickly; rescue them from the coming wrath“.
Added blessings
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Amish hand pump |
Our new-to-us gas grill given through a dear friend and supporter. We had time to try it out once before we headed south to Mexico. Wow! It's a keeper.
Three trailer load of fresh manure/hay composting through the winter so spring garden will be freshly fed.
The electric company dumped a truck load of ground trees and leaves for free mulching. That was the week just before we left but we were able to get it spread around.
Summer’s End
It is mid-August and we plan to head south to Cacalotte, Mexico September 4th. Our summer’s work is drawing to a close here at home. Well, almost.
As we reflect, we realize we have been blessed with a good garden of fresh produce to eat and share.
We have so enjoyed our time with many different family members and friends both in reunions, celebrations, church meetings, and through phone calls. We completed two more rooms of our small abode: the bedroom, upstairs, and the bathroom, downstairs.
We leave the sitting room and laundry room to complete next journey home and possibly the west wing which will be at least half greenhouse. The fencing remains following the building projects and new avenues will have to be cut again by that time as the trees and brush have replaced the open areas cut through along the property line two or three years ago.
So, in preparation for going, we have been repairing the truck and replacing the oil. Since we drive around 2,000 miles one way, we have to do that every time we come home and every time we leave again. We praise the Lord God our provider who has taken care of the repair expenses.
We’ve made arrangements for our sister, Nancee Clouse to take care of mail and bills, but financial support will still go through LAMP ministries. We have the house to clean up and close. We have wood to cut in preparation for a return next April. We have last minute shopping and packing. And, it looks like we have bible and music school book packages to pickup for delivery and people to meet in route.
We will be traveling alone this time and we sincerely covet your prayers that we can go in safety, that the truck will be faithful, and that we can find our way without big mishap. We ask the Father to be our Hiding place, our Shield. We ask your prayers for grace to learn the Spanish language and live a Christ-likeness among the village people; not offensive to their culture. We pray for hearing ears to open eyes to see all that God is doing and to walk obediently in His plans. We pray for contentment to live simple, and always keep the Great Commission the priority of our lives (see blog entitled: Christian Dream).
There are some of you reading this who wish you could be with us. Daily, as you read the Word, pray what you read over us and know you are with us in the most vital way; with us in spiritual warfare, alongside us in the battle. Keep us constantly in your hearts and prayers and whenever you get opportunity, please write us. Nothing is as encouraging as hearing from friends.
Yours in Christ,
John & Joyce
P.S. Please agree with us in prayer for John to have four new teeth. A previous dental plate was attached to four teeth by wires that caused those four teeth to be badly damaged.
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