It was an exciting day when we began covering the plumbing with flooring. This is a granite floor that our daughter Jonna designed and we laid. Next to grandpa's place was a kitchen countertop business. They were throwing away tons of scrap pieces so we began gathering the pieces to use for flooring. This floor was laid from one entire sheet of countertop that shattered before it could be used in anyone's kitchen. We were able to spread it out to cover the bathroom area.

The next floor was done in papercrete, with the intention to overlaid it in granite. Papercrete is part ground paper, part concrete which makes it insulated and cheaper material to use. It is time consuming in that the paper must first be ground and left to soak before using. We would wear face masks, goggles, ear plugs, and hat gear but we still came out looking tarred and feathered, covered in paper dust. Papercrete spreads wonderfully but in the area we laid it and with the wet weather conditions of this year, it didn't dry and set up quickly so it remained much too soft. We probably won't recommend it to anyone else for flooring but we loved it later in building walls.
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