Saturday, March 6, 2010

Campus jobs

It takes many various forms. John’s truck has been in great demand and has been greatly appreciated. He has hauled many people both inside and in the bed and he has hauled supplies both large and small. Probably the largest as yet was several loads of roofing tiles for the director of the Prophetic School of Music and Worship, Charles. John, himself, has been in great demand to repair water systems, washing machines, pumps, etc and to rid houses of swarming bees and bats. Bro. Alan Buster of Kansas City, who traveled down with us, was a great help those first three weeks. John so enjoyed his company, fellowship, and work partnership. Now, John’s work is taking a new turn. He has agreed to temporarily adopt an American young man to mentor and instruct and Chris will help John in Spanish communication. Pray that John will be able to learn the language through him as he really desires.

My work has been mostly hospitality with lots of baking and some sewing on the side. We have both enjoyed having an open door at a place where many guests can come and go throughout the day. We have met a lot of people in a short time in this manner. Not sure what the days ahead will hold but everyday is a big adventure and usually as full as it can be. We are full of God’s joy and hope to spread it to everyone we meet.

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