Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Marriage Conference & Mother's Day

The first Roca Blanca Marriage Retreat was held May 7-9th and it was a success! Charles and Ellie Norton hosted and taught most of it…together. They did a super job. Only four of the eight invited couples were able to attend but everyone of those four were noticeably blessed and excited about making it a reoccurring event. Gifts were in the rooms every day such as: flowers, candies, the Love Language book in Spanish, and embroidered heart pillows. The Fireproof film in Spanish drew many comments the next morning in review. The final lesson on the marriage covenant was followed by each couple taking communion together and renewing their marriage vows. The final meal ended with a wedding cake which each couple cut together while having their picture taken. Every detail was carefully prepared and executed in a loving manner and every couple was so thankful for what it had meant to their marriage. It was especially a blessing to John & I as we watched the pastors enfold Charles and Ellie in prayer and confirm their new endeavor to enrich the marriages of Mexico.

Mother’s day is a BIG celebration in Mexico, at least it was in Cacalotte, the small village Roca Blanca is neighbors with. It follows on the Monday after the USA celebration. John & I weren’t able to attend but we viewed it through our friends and wanted to share a piece of it with you. There were games, gifts, music and dancing, and food until wee hours of the morning. Those mothers sure had a magnificent party.

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