Saturday, February 23, 2013

More we are learning about the Mind-the Mind of God

From the book: Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts

I Cor 2:5 Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

(God speaking) O My child, give Me your mind. I shall keep it in perfect tranquility. Give Me your thoughts. I will keep them in peace. If you allow other people to do your thinking for you, you will be distressed. If you try to think for yourself, you may be in error through limited knowledge or misinformation. But let the mind of Christ be in you. Let My thinking displace and supersede your mind and your reasoning, and you will be kept in perfect peace and order; you will know exactly and precisely what is right, what is true, and what is the proper course of action.
As you draw upon My Spirit for physical strength, draw also upon My Mind for wisdom, understanding, and peace of mind. Make this a habit in your life, and you will be astounded at the results, the accomplishments it will bring. Rather than being motivated by impulse, you will be directed by Divine Intelligence.
Have I not promised that if any of you lack wisdom, you may ask of God who gives liberally and without reproach (James 1:5)? I have not left you to flounder like a rudderless ship. I will freely share with you all you need of my thinking powers, just as I share of My grace for the needs of the spirit.
This is a reservoir very nearly untapped. This is why I commended Solomon, because he asked the highest gift. In adding the other benefits, I gave him only those things that shall surely always follow after this first. For the life truly directed by My Mind shall enjoy many other blessings in abundance.
You shall know who needs healing, and what the physical body needs, even the true cause of illness that healing may be complete in the whole person. You shall know who is speaking in error, and you shall not only discern the craftiness of the enemy but how to rebuke him in My Name.
You shall be unafraid when you face others, for wisdom is power. You shall be unashamed to speak, for you shall know that the words you speak are not your own, but Hi shwo sent you and made you His messenger. You shall be able to testify as did Jesus: "The words that I speak to yu I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works" (John 14:10) Know that I will do it. Trust Me to do it. You will rejoice far in excess of any joy you have yet experienced.
Amazing things await you. You have had but the tiniest foretaste. Launch out! The Mind of God is fathomless. Who can ponder the smallest fraction of the intelligence of the Creator? It is all at your disposal-a great repository from which you may freely draw. Draw then, for truly the well is deep.

A portion from another entry that lends to it:

Commit to Me your sanctification. Bring your thoughts into captivity and let your mind be under the control of the Mind of Christ. Do not curb the impulses of the Spirit within you, nor refuse to allow Me the freedom to manifest Myself through you by means of the gifts. You may resist me because you feel unworthy or unready to be used. This is a delusion of the mind. I do not use you when you feel prepared, but when I need you and you are yielded. When I use you, you will discover that I also work within you to edify your own heart and life.

You block the way to your own spiritual development if you hold me back when I would minister through you (see Eph 4:12, 16) Indeed, if the time would ever come that you feel ready, I would then be completely blocked by your pride and would be forced to use someone else.


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