Thursday, January 16, 2014

 God decides; God provides     

   The title explains it all but, we would like to share a couple of recent examples from our lives.

We were at our weekly prayer meeting group early one Thursday morning. One gentleman told us all about a conference going on in Springfield and that there would be a free meeting, open to public, on Friday night; it was to be a healing meeting. God put such an urge in our hearts to be there at that meeting that there was nothing else that mattered from that point on. We had to be there. We had no idea what to expect, what we would see, what purpose God had for us, but we knew we must attend. We reached a half hour early and barely found two seats in the back corner of the balcony. The lady sitting there found out we were there free and questioned our rights to be there. She was so disturbed about it, because she had paid good money to register and driven far to be present, that she went downstairs to ask. They assured her it was a “free night”.

    The meeting went on for an hour and a half before getting to the real message and purpose. We felt several times like leaving but held on to the end. Towards the end, because of a Word of knowledge, John received healing to a right shoulder that had been seriously torn and injured 17 years previously. He went home and did push-ups to prove it was totally healed. We also received our next instruction from the Lord while there. We were to enroll in their healing school to receive their new revelation and impartation that we might increase in this gifting. Some of you are puzzled here and a little hesitant to receive this thought but, if you review the life of Jesus, He preached, He healed, and He delivered. That pretty much summarizes the majority of His ministry. Listen to the prayer requests in your own church and 90% of them concern health issues. Today’s media and advertising is mostly medical and health related. It is a HUGE need today just as it was in Jesus’ time. We must not continue to just go to church but, to BE the church.

    How in the world, on our income, were we going to pay the high cost of their tuition? There are twelve levels towards a certification (as this can apply towards a bible college credit). There are three classes in each level. The first three classes alone were $2,100 for both John and I to attend….online. But, when God decides, He provides. We now have $1,025 of that money and Joyce has received a scholarship for the first class. That was amazing to us. She asked if there was any discount available and they told her they were going to decide the following week on giving out three scholarships to incoming students. She filled out the application and received the scholarship. We are ready to start and how far we go will depend on God’s decision and provision.

    A second example was when God put on Joyce’s heart that she needed to take a certain lady to lunch and spend time with her. Joyce was telling God, “Uh, you know I don’t have the monies for that so when you provide, then I’ll be happy to do just that. I need girlfriends too since returning home so it will bless me also.” A week later she was sharing this prompting she had felt from the Lord with a lady prayer partner. That prayer partner had been told by a third person that “the lady{ needed “someone to befriend her“. This prayer partner said she had been carrying around a denomination of cash just waiting to see what purpose God had for it. She provided Joyce with the money to get car fuel and take the lady to lunch. Can you see the thread? God had prompted three people to get involved in loving this one dear lady. He decided it should be done and then provided the way through three different people. Isn’t God something wonderful? Do you realize how very much He loves you today? He is at work on your behalf to bless you with a hope and a future, to make all things work together. Give glory to His Holy name.

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